Sports Spectacular Baby Races: A photo finish

The Department of Child Development
 Compton College, October, 2012 (Halloween)
Sports Spectacular understands daily exercise can greatly benefit the health of adults, kids as well as babies.  According to the National Association of Sports  and Physical Education, infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, all need to spend 60 minutes a day in physical activity.  Moreover, "studies show that if children grow up having exercise as part of their daily regimen, they are less likely to become obese or suffer from obese-related problems as older children or as adults." We at Sports Spectacular are always excited when mothers and their toddlers show up and participate in the baby races. The babies really take over and the special event is always a fan favorite. The baby races are held at most Sports Spectacular events and the great moments are captured with pictures that will be cherished forever.